Defending our heritage in its many components
The Foundation is declared to be of public utility and aims to defend the environmental, historical, cultural and landscape heritage of the Mendrisiotto region. This purpose is pursued through the protection, promotion, and enhancement of assets of artistic, historical, cultural and landscape interest, as well as the defense and enhancement of nature, the environment, and their agricultural components.
The Foundation undertakes and promotes all actions aimed at the protection, conservation and restoration of the assets present in the Mendrisiotto region and the surroundings that are related to them. To this end, the Foundation promotes activities of study, scientific research, documentation, promotion, and intervention, both directly and by initiating any action useful to the pursuit of the said purpose.
The Foundation Council

Luca Cereghetti
Presidente, Dottorando in storia dell'arte (UniFR)

Veronica Caggia
Vice-Presidente, Dottoressa in Biologia

Lorenzo Tognola
Tesoriere, Ingegnere agronomo (HAFL)

Chiara Donati
Membro, Avvocata